Sunday, April 12, 2015

Jonas Bendiksen - Satellites

My reader review on Amazon about Magnum Photographer's Jonas Bendiksen's photobook Satellites (2008) 

'Satellites' is a great collection of photographs, in terms of scope and political awareness. It's also a triumph on a pictorial level, in its use of frenzied angles and colour. Sometimes this is minimal like lone figures at the edge of photographs walking through snow or fog, and others strikingly rich: the garish pink of a heroin-addict's dress; the hell-like yellow of a busy commuter's bus.

As mentioned, it functions at the edges, its use of colour maddeningly good (reminiscent of fellow Magnum photographers Gruyaert and Pinkhassov), and its crazy angles not unlike Eugene Richards' work.

Thoroughly recommended. Pictures at the edge, from un-newsworthy places made vibrant through Bendiksen's lens.

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